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Faxes to Customers or Vendors

General Info:

This documentation covers both the customer and vendor faxing since most of the procedures are identical. With this tool it is possible to fax notes and attachments to customers and vendors from the maintenance section of the core programs. This tool also provides the capability to fax one copy of invoices, sales orders and purchase orders during the printing process. The program utilizes a stand alone fax server such as the ACCPAC Communications Server that can be installed anywhere on the network.

Each vendor and customer has a fax number in the file. When a fax is initiated FAXTOOL looks in the appropriate file to see if the data is available. With this tool it is not necessary to keep a separate file updated for the fax board. It is automatically set up as the customers and vendors are. Faxes can be initiated when printing forms and from file maintenance. The customer example will be used but the vendor setup is essentially the same.

Sending Manual Faxes:

Go to customer or vendor file maintenance. When maintaining the customer or vendor file there is a message at the bottom that says:

Customer Choices

Notice the new selection for More. This selection is provided to allow more selections. Once the More selection is made a new set of choices will be provided depending on installed software. One of the new choices is Sendfax.

Customer Choices

By pressing S the fax process is initiated. FAXTOOL knows the fax number because it is on the customer file. The contact name is pulled from the file and a screen similar to the one below will be displayed.

Setup Screen

  • Recipient: Shows the code and company the fax will go to.
  • Sender Code: The sender code is set up to allow users of Corporate Contact Manager to enter the representative ID.
  • From: Who the fax will show it is from. This originates from the sender's file and is covered below in setup. It can be changed from this screen.
  • To: Name to put on the fax.
  • Date to Send: If it is to be sent at a later date that date can be entered.
  • Time to Send: If it is better to send the fax late at night to take advantage of the less expensive rates the later time
  • Fax Number: Complete fax number to send to. If a prefix is needed in addition to the number it will be assigned from setup.
  • Quality: Standard or Fine.
  • Logo File: Name of the logo file if used. The location where it is stored is part of setup.

Once the basic information has been entered or approved the additional selections can be made.

As displayed above the following choices are made available.


  • E- Edit the information mentioned above.
  • A- Add attachments to the fax.
  • C- Enter or import information to print on the cover sheet. The cover sheet is optional if there are attachments.
  • S- Send the fax.
  • Q- Quit without sending the fax.
  • Attachments: Selecting attachments the first time will provide the following choices:

Select Menu

To add a single file when it is known what the name is and where the file is located it may be easiest to enter the name and location of the file. Once the file is selected a screen like the one below will be displayed. This screen shows the files that have been selected to send.

Select Attachments

The files listed can be deleted or new ones added. If one of the items on the list is selected it can be deleted from the list. When [Esc] is pressed the additional choices noted above will be provided again.

When multiple files will be pulled from the same directory it may be preferred to use the file directory method. To do this select the List Directory choice and you will be prompted for the directory to list. If a valid directory is selected it will list the contents for you as depicted in the picture below. To select one just use the arrows and select the one desired by pressing . Files can be anything faxable, such as PCX files, DCX files and text files.


When all attachments have been selected, press Q to quit and be returned to the first screen. At this point each of the above choices is again available. The attachments can be changed again, or the cover sheet can be edited.

Cover Sheet

Cover Sheet: Press C and the cover sheet can be imported from another file or edited from scratch. The window that pops up utilizes word wrap features to make it easy to edit and change the form until finished. When finished, press F10 and once again you will be returned to the main screen.

Cover Sheet


Send: Once the cover sheet is ready and the attachments are all selected the only step remaining is to send the fax. Once this choice is made, the fax will be added to the queue automatically.


Sending Form Faxes:

Invoices, Purchase orders and Sales Orders can be faxed during their respective printing processes. To begin the process, select the print routines and new choices will be displayed in the option grid. For example the option grid for Sales Orders would begin as depicted in screen below..


Setup Screen

Print Options:

The following options are also available when printing invoices and purchase orders.

  • Fax Copy ? (Y/N)

If "Y" is entered it will automatically fax one copy to the recipient of the form based on the information in the file.

  • Use Cover Sheet? (Y/N)

If the decision is made to use the cover sheet it will pop up a window to enter the cover sheet information. The same information will be used on all forms printed during this run.

All other functionality of the form printing remains the same. FAXTOOL only supports plain paper faxing. Laser Forms will not provide output suitable for automatic inclusion as a fax. When the fax is generated, the program will print headings for the data to make it more clear when faxed.

Setup Information:

Each password in the system can have a different setup for the faxes. To maintain this information you must have the rights to maintain passwords. To begin, go to maintain passwords and select the password to maintain. The following choices will be displayed at the bottom.

Setup Screen

The "User" choice is a new one for fax user information. Select User to see the additional information.

Menu Selection

Setup Screen

  • Password: Password from previous screen (display only).
  • Sender Code: For fax retrieval process. Same as used in contact manager if used.
  • Fax Name: Name to appear on faxes.
  • First Name: Not used at this time.
  • Last Name: Not used at this time.
  • Group: Not used at this time.
  • Network Name: For use with Calculus Board.
  • Area Code: Determines which faxes to strip the area code from.
  • Prefix: Used before the phone number (ie 9,)
  • PBX Code: Used before the phone number if using through a PBX
  • Logo File: Default Logo file for cover sheets.
File Locations: Where to look for each of the listed documents. Must be available to the fax server.

New reports are provided from the extension menu. The reports provide the results of the fax routines. If a fax is sent or if there is an error for any reason. The report provides options including the ability to select only failed faxes. No outside reporting is necessary to see if the fax was successful. The attachments are listed based on the descriptions provided during the fax process.

Invoice Example

  Praxis Products, Incorporated                      Invoice #    1124
  1234 Your Street                   
  Your City, ST 99999-9999                           Customer #   BWP1  
  Telephone 415/331-9900

        Bill To:                             Ship To:
        Bay Water and Power                  Bay Water and Power                
        1234 56th Street                     1234 56th Street              
        Oakland, CA 94607                    Oakland, CA 94607                  
        U.S.A.                               U.S.A.         

DATE        SHIP VIA          FOB                 TERMS
03/15/94    Delivered         Origin              Net 20 Days         
PURCHASE ORDER      ORD DATE                SALESPERSON          ORDER #
Verbal              03/15/94                HQ                   None    

  REQD  SHIP  BACK  ITEM      DESCRIPTION                       UNIT    EXTENDED
     1     1        _MANUAL_INVOICE Manual Invoice            120.00      120.00

                                               NonTaxable Subtotal      120.00
                                               Taxable Subtotal           0.00
                                               Tax                        0.00
  Page 1                                       Total                    120.00

Sales Order Example

  Praxis Products, Incorporated                           Sales Order #1095
  1234 Your Street                   
  Your Town, ST 99999-999                                 Customer #   CHE01 
  Telephone 415/331-9900

        Bill To:                             Ship To:
        Cherry Computing                     Cherry Computing                   
        1234 Snowy Lane                      1234 Snowy Lane               
        Bowronville, NL 54777                Bowronville, NL 54777              

DATE        SHIP VIA            FOB               TERMS
12/12/97    Carrier Pige        Heaven            Owe Forever         

PURCHASE ORDER         ORD DATE             SALESPERSON          ORDER #
Xfile-345332           12/12/97             KH                   434323  

      3               AIRC             EA    12/12/97        215.00     645.00
                      Analog Interface RAM Card                  N

      2               A2EW             EA    12/12/97         89.95     179.90
                      Analog II Exterior Wafer                   N

      1               ASSC             EA    12/12/97         49.95      49.95
                      Analog Super Segment Cable                 N

                                               NonTaxable Subtotal    874.85
                                               Taxable Subtotal         0.00
                                               Tax                      0.00
  Page 1                                       Total Order            874.85


Purchase Order Example

  Praxis Products, Incorporated                      P.O. Number  1044
  1234 Your Street                   
  Your Town, ST XXXXX-XXXX                           Vendor Code  INT01 
  Telephone 415/331-9900

        TO:                                  SHIP TO:
        Integrated Business Solutions        Praxis Products, Incorporated
        4177 Yale Avenue                     1234 Your Street
        La Mesa, CA 91941                    Your Town, ST XXXXX-XXXX

  PO DATE   SHIP VIA             F.O.B.               TERMS
  03/03/97  UPS                  Origin               C.O.D.              
  BUYER     FREIGHT       REQ DATE CONFIRM TO            REMARKS             TAX
     KH     Destination   03/03/97 Not needed            Check on Delv         N

 QTY      ITEM         DESCRIPTION                       UNIT COST    EXT COST
    10    AIRC         Analog Interface RAM Card           129.000     1290.00
                       Date Reqd: 03/03/97

    12    AIRC         Analog Interface RAM Card           129.000     1548.00
                       Date Reqd: 03/03/97

     9    ASSC         Analog Super Segment Cable           24.350      219.15
                       Date Reqd: 03/03/97

                                               NonTaxable Subtotal     3057.15
                                               Taxable Subtotal           0.00
                                               Tax                        0.00
 Page 1                                        Total                   3057.15

Integrated Business Solutions
4177 Yale Avenue - La Mesa, CA 91941-7717