This tool is designed for you to keep closer contact with
your customers and to provide an easy way to send many customers
the same basic type of letter with some different individual
information. You are presented with a screen of criteria to
select the group of customers you would like to do a mailing
to. Once you have selected the customers the program will
generate a mailmerge file in the format of your word processor.
To extract the information for the mailmerge file, you have
an option grid which allows you to select the customers for
the merge based upon ten different criteria. These criteria
include customer number, zip code, and phone number. Once
the customers have been selected, you are prompted for the
word processor and the location where the mailmerge file is
to reside. All data in the customer file is then transferred
to the mailmerge file. The data in the file is labelled in
an easy to use fashion that is well documented.
Once you have defined the letters in your word processor,
you could easily send letters to any of your customers for
a variety of reasons. This enhancement will provide you an
easy to use tool for staying in contact with your customers.
Special events, sales, area specific information, delinquency
letters, sales follow-ups and many other uses will develop
as you see how easy it is to provide them with this enhancement.