
Home < Vision Point < Serial Numbers Tracking

Serial Number Tracking

General Information:

This enhancement provides complete serial number tracking, from the time the item is ordered until it is received, sold and registered. Only items that are designated as serialized will be tracked.

Item Setup Stock on Hand:

Once the tool is installed a new field is added in the inventory file maintenance.
Serialized (Y/N)

For inventory already entered with stock on hand, serial numbers can be added by editing inventory file maintenance and answering "Y" to Serialized field. When saved following screen appears. To create serial numbers at this time select Yes. To add at a later date, choose No.

When Yes is selected the inventory maintenance file will be updated, to proceed with adding serial #'s choose the "more" button to bring up all items on hand that need serial numbers. As depicted in next picture.

­¯ arrow keys will allow movement from item to item. <Enter> will bring up serial number maintenance screen for the item highlighted - Serial number and vendor info can be added.
<enter> through when complete or page down. <Save>

When No is selected, serial numbers are added at a later time, please see SERIAL NUMBER MAINTENANCE.

Serial numbers can also be added at time of Purchase, either through Purchase Order Module, Sales Order Module or Accounts Receivable Module.


Purchase Orders are entered as usual.
Serial Numbers can be added when PO is received.

The program will prompt you for each serial number needed for quantity received, by hitting enter to forward to next. Once serial numbers are entered, program proceeds as before. Serial Numbers can also be added after PO is received in Serial Number Maintenance. Adding serial numbers during PO receiving will automatically update Vendor Information in the Serial Number Maintenance file. If it is not, vendor information can be added at a later date through the Inventory Item Maintenance or Serial number maintenance.

To enter serial numbers to inventory not received through purchase orders. Choose Transactions either in the SO or AR modules.

Go to Inventory Adjustments. Select inventory item to be received. Select Rect and proceed

If a vendor is set up for that inventory item, it will default to that vendor, otherwise enter correct Vendor number and continue through as usual. Save will prompt for Enter Serial Number (as depicted below). Enter serial# and hit enter to complete or to go to next serial number to be entered when quantity is more than 1.


When using Sales Orders, serial numbers will be updated when item is shipped.

Once shipment entry is complete, program will prompt for serial number. When added correctly, will prompt for next serial number until order quantity complete. If entered incorrectly or if serial number already shows sold, the following message occurs.

Reenter brings you back to entry screen, <List> will list all product serial numbers (even sold)
<use blanks> will print a place for serial number but it will be blank. Once a Sales Order has been shipped, serial numbers can not be added to PRINT on the Invoice, but the information can be entered through the Inventory Item or Serial number maintenance to be tracked.

Works the same when invoicing in Accounts Receivable Module.

When invoicing in Account Receivable, once a line item has been entered with the serial number and saved if you edit that line, for example to sell 5 instead of 3, you will need to reenter all 5 serial numbers again.


When Shipping a Return Sales Order, you will be required to put in the item serial number. The system will check to see if that serial number was originally sold to that customer, if yes it will pop up the expiration information if it has been entered. Choice of the status to return that item to will be displayed (see below) available, hold or voided. If hold is chosen, when the item becomes available for sale, in serial number maintenance change status back to <A> available, (space bar is used to make change). If the serial number is not registered to that customer you will be prompted to <Reenter>, <List>, or <add>. List will bring up all serial numbers sold to that customer. Add will allow you to add a new serial number with status <H> hold. Other information about the Serial number would be entered through maintenance.


Serial numbers are added and edited through the Inventory item,

Or the Serial Number Maintenance,

The only difference between the two is the lookup. If you know the item, not the serial number use, Inventory item maintenance use the <more>key to list serial #'s. If you know the serial number use the serial number maintenance. (See Using Filters,to better define search.)
The information that is tracked by the serial number is depicted below. We have included several fields that are not standard SBT.
When serial number information is entered through Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Receivables it will update the Serial Number fields Vendor and Customer.
The End User field has been added to help those companies that sell to other resellers but still track serial #'s for warranty purposes. This field can be updated through either Inventory Item or Serial Number maintenance.


A choice has been added in serial number maintenance <use filter>

This will allow you to view only those serial numbers in that item with that filter status.
Defined status choices are:
No Status Filter - will default back to this when search is complete
Available - <A> shows all serial numbers available for sale.
Sold - will list all Serial Numbers Sold
Designated - <D> Will add the ability to designate a serial number to a customer that has a sales
order pending. This is done manually by going into that serial number and giving it that
status code.
Hold - <H> Will add the ability to put a Hold on Serial numbers not available for sale, examples
for using hold could be, recalls, returns, packaging…
Received w/out Serial - <R> Identifies those put into stock without entering serial number, allows you to view only those that will need serial numbers added.
Issued w/out Serial - <I> Invoiced without serial number, allows you to view only those that will
need Customer information added.

The Space Bar changes to each option available for Filter use.<enter> to choose.

REPORTS: Reports are located in the Extension/reports/serial numbers

Options include:

Use Space bar to choose.
Status Choices: Available in stock
Received w/out Serial
Issued w/out Serial
No Restrictions

Order by Choices: Serial Number

Integrated Business Solutions
4177 Yale Avenue - La Mesa, CA 91941-7717