When a customer is quoted a special price, you can enter the information
into the customer's file and there is no need to either remember (impossible)
or keep track of it in some way, notes, etc. Whenever the customer is
sold that item, the special pricing will be applied. You can, of course,
modify the price during the sale and change the special price at any time.
Groups of customers can also be established. When using a group price,
customers can be added and deleted from the group and only one customer
(the group) is maintained. The number of groups are essentially unlimited.
Some customer's can be part of a group and others on individual pricing.
In addition, a customer can be part of a group and use the group pricing
when appropriate. If a different price needs to be established for one
item, the system will check the customer and use that price before checking
the group. It is very flexible and powerful.